Aleena Aspley North Brisbane
Aleena Aspley North Brisbane Australia owner of Yoni Whisperer Bodywork, Lingam Whisperer Bodywork Chakrassage and Trademark Kinkassage.
It is a passion of mine to re-educate the world to talk freely and think positively about sexuality. Sexual shame is rampant in today’s society. Sexuality is fundamental to life. We are all born from orgasm. An orgasm is like a ray of pure white light, aroused in the genitals for procreation purposes and also as an avenue to divinity. Creator lies, within each and every one of us. We are complex energy beings and the caretakers of this planet. We are here to learn to create universal harmony, be kind and love each other, to care for the environment and treat animals with kindness.
We can find our divine destiny through orgasm, firstly by learning to solo pleasure our bodies and re-train our neurological body wiring. In an orgasm, we are able to learn to hold, spread and transmit high frequencies of arousal, into every cell of our body, including our body’s aura and/or luminous energy. Orgasm is infinite and the arousal frequencies the human body can attain is limitless. At this level of arousal the secrets of creation can start to unfold.
Aleena Aspley North Brisbane
Many ancient shamanic cultures were aware of orgasmic enlightenment. Through the ages religious dogma has reigned supreme and Tantric and Shamanic practices are now gaining popularity. People are returning to old ways by looking after their bodies, eating clean food free of toxins, drinking fresh distilled water and opening their bodies to new orgasmic states of consciousness for pleasure and personal growth.
Orgasmic spiritual enlightenment is about great sex and solo masturbation is an important practice, to understand how our own body responds to touch, pleasure and arousal. The human body is beautiful, and we should be seen for our beauty. In a way porn does much damage to our sexual being, because it portrays a certain body image, that promotes visually unconscious sex.
Being naked is beautiful and I have seen many bodies of various shapes and sizes during my career as a somatic sexologist. It is my opinion that clothes can make the human body look unattractive and I believe that being seen naked, vulnerable and beautiful is an awesome way to heal past wounds and sexual trauma.
Aleena Aspley North Brisbane
I am a spiritual intuitive, energy healer, shamanic light-worker and Sex Geek. Coming out of the “Sex Educator Closet” has been a slow and gradual process for me. Sexual shame in the community is rampant, and “coming out” as a sexual educator and being transparent in my career choice, does have it’s challenges. However, I am standing tall in my intuitive and proud feminine energy. It is time for change and thank goodness people all over the globe, are quickly awakening to the fact that sexually it is not nice to be controlled by religion, the church and outdated Victorian family beliefs.
Thank you for taking the time to read this webpage. I truly love my career choice as a sex educator. It is my beautifully designed life’s purpose.
If you are intrigued by my sex-positive-workshop-offerings and you would like to wisely invest in your sexual growth and enlightenment, then do fill out the form on the right hand menu bar to be added to my mailing list.
Namaste, Aleena Aspley
(North Brisbane, Australia)
Phone: 0404 449 433
International: +61 404 449 433
Certified Somatic Sexologist
(aka Sexological Bodyworker 2010)
NEO Tantra Professional / Kinesiologist / Reiki / Bars etc
Aleena Aspley North Brisbane